O MacGuffin

quarta-feira, junho 18, 2003


Tive conhecimento, através do Picuinhices, da tremenda gaffe (só posso entendê-la como tal) do Linhas de Esquerda, ao ter insinuado que João Noronha (do Valete Fratres) teria ensaiado um velado apoio ao nazismo. Heil Valete? Que idiotice!

Sobre o anti-capitalismo de Hitler e as suas «parecenças» com certas poses da esquerda, relembro o que escreveu Friedrich August von Hayek (1899-1992):

”Fight against liberalism in all its forms, liberalism that had defeated Germany, was the common idea which united socialists and conservatives in one common front. At first it was mainly in the German Youth Movement, almost entirely socialist in inspiration and outlook, where these ideas were most readily accepted and the fusion of socialism and nationalism completed. In the later ‘twenties and till the advent to power of Hitler, a circle of young men gathered round the journal Die Tat and led by Ferdinand Fried became the chief exponent of this tradition in the intellectual sphere. Fried’s Ende des Kapitalismus is perhaps the most characteristic product of this group of Edelnazis, as they were known in Germany, and is particularly disquieting because of its resemblance to so much of the literature which we see in England today, where we can watch the same drawing together of the socialists of the Left and the Right, and nearly the same contempt of all that is liberal in the old sense. “Conservative Socialism” (and, in other circles, “Religious Socialism”) was the slogan under which a large number of writers prepared the atmosphere in which “National-Socialism” succeeded. It is “conservative socialism” which is the dominant trend in this country now. Had the war against the Western powers “with the weapons of the spirit and of economic organisation” not almost succeeded before the real war began?”

in The Road to Serfdom (1944)

PS: mais rigor, caros esquerdistas…

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