O MacGuffin: 57 anos, <a href=http://babugem.blogspot.com/>pá</a>?

quinta-feira, março 24, 2005

57 anos, ?

Na ficha técnica do filme A Cara que Mereces, no Público, o nosso Ricardo Gross teve direito a link. Conclusão? O Ricardo andou a enganar meio mundo com a sua falsa identidade. Ricardo Gross e Richard Gross são, afinal, uma e a mesma pessoa. Consta que ”Richard was born in Pittsburgh, PA in 1948. His mother was a Welsh immigrant and his adoptive father was a native of Pittsburgh. Richard moved to Los Angeles with his family in the early 60's and he graduated from Lennox High School. Richard went on to earn his BA in Theatre Arts from Cal State Dominguez Hills. He moved his family to Grass Valley, CA in 1979 and was active with the Foothill Theatre Company, a regional theatre in Nevada City. Richard came back to Los Angeles in 1991 to resume his TV/Film career. He still maintains his Northern California residence with his wife, Judy and their daughter Alexis. Richard and Judy have two other sons, Matthew and Justin.

Caro Ricardo: há muito que desconfiava da tua dupla personalidade, mas olha que esses 57 anos estão muito bem conservados.

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