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"The most efficient lies take only two forms: the truth in all but one detail, or a complete unthruth. Anything between is amateurism: you are making that fatal mistake of enjoying yourself."
The Book Of Shadows, Don Paterson (Picador 2004)
"We read according to an undeclared handicap system, to the specific needs of the author. We meet the novelists a little way, the poets at least halfway, the translated poets three-quarters of the way; the Postmoderns we pick up at the station in their wheelchairs."
The Book of Shadows reúne um conjunto de reflexões e aforismos de Don Paterson – poeta, músico, editor e professor na University of St. Andrews – sobre o amor, Deus, arte, sexo, morte, trabalho, etc. Paterson consegue o pleno: uma mistura absolutamente arrebatadora de inteligência, seriedade intelectual e humor negro, trespassado por um romantismo sarcástico e, ao mesmo tempo, lírico. Premium Food for Thought. Um grande livro de um autor que já arrecadou um Whitebread Poetry Award e um T. S. Eliot Prize. Vive na Escócia.
"There were times, moving slowly inside her in the dark, when I would pause, and realize I was not there. Only the movement again restored some flicker of allegiance to the here-and-now from which we had all but been exempted."
"Any vice or virtue, sufficiently cultivated, will eventually simplify a character into subhumanity. The saints are as incomprehensible to us as the monsters."

The Book Of Shadows, Don Paterson (Picador 2004)
"We read according to an undeclared handicap system, to the specific needs of the author. We meet the novelists a little way, the poets at least halfway, the translated poets three-quarters of the way; the Postmoderns we pick up at the station in their wheelchairs."
The Book of Shadows reúne um conjunto de reflexões e aforismos de Don Paterson – poeta, músico, editor e professor na University of St. Andrews – sobre o amor, Deus, arte, sexo, morte, trabalho, etc. Paterson consegue o pleno: uma mistura absolutamente arrebatadora de inteligência, seriedade intelectual e humor negro, trespassado por um romantismo sarcástico e, ao mesmo tempo, lírico. Premium Food for Thought. Um grande livro de um autor que já arrecadou um Whitebread Poetry Award e um T. S. Eliot Prize. Vive na Escócia.
"There were times, moving slowly inside her in the dark, when I would pause, and realize I was not there. Only the movement again restored some flicker of allegiance to the here-and-now from which we had all but been exempted."
"Any vice or virtue, sufficiently cultivated, will eventually simplify a character into subhumanity. The saints are as incomprehensible to us as the monsters."
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